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JAC F23 Campaign Video

JAC F23 Campaign Video


The History of JAC: RozeMerie Cuevas, In Pirouettes

RozeMerie Cuevas, In Pirouettes How do we create great art? We often know great art by the way it looks, or what we hear about it, and most people will argue that everything about art is subjective. JAC by Jacqueline Conoir founder and designer RozeMerie Cuevas has been practicing her craft all her life. From her upbringing in Vancouver to her Parisian fashion schooling, to her now globally recognized fashion brand, RozeMerie knows a little...

The History of JAC: RozeMerie Cuevas, In Pirouettes
Behind the Design Eye

Behind the Design Eye

Whether it is a walk through the streets of Paris, Milan, or Los Angeles, taking a swim in the Adriatic Sea, or sitting in a cafe watching the world move on by, the visual world is stored behind the designer’s eye. These tableaus are the basis of the creative process and they are called forward when the artist begins their craft. It is this visual memory stash that gives way to the ideas that become...

Vancouver: A Fashion Journey

Vancouver is a city known for its lack of fashion taste. Yoga pants, mom jeans, and a generally relaxed aesthetic are the tenets of our daily wear. But to brush Vancouver off as a fashion faux-pas would be a mistake. We have a lush history of talented designers and an underground scene of groundbreaking fashion. It could even be said that yoga pants changed the world, but we won’t go there quite yet. Back to...

Vancouver: A Fashion Journey